Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Los Angeles Times Precis

"Anonymous Sources" written by Tina Dirmann

Tina Dirmann's online article, Anonymous Sources, discusses the Pass It Along Project, which was designed to assist struggling individuals survive another day in their tough living conditions. Dirmann explains how the Program came about and has contributed to 392 success stories and grants throughout the years. Founded by two anonymous donors, the Program is ran by the California Community Foundation (CCF). CCF "specializes in administering funds for a full range of charities supporting educational opportunities, health-care needs, neighborhood revitilization projects and artistic development". The donors specifically set out to design a program that gives to people in need, who then promise to give back to their own communities after being helped hemselves. From the very beginning, the donors of the Pass It Along Program wanted their names kept private, to prevent any personal attention, when their only intention was attention for the program. Although the Program is thriving, the available donation amount is slowly decreasing and is now in jeopardy of extinction. The program is expected to shut down or "fall under" early 2009. Through the use of countless facts, and quotes, Dirmann informs her audience about how a little kindness can really pay off.

Discussion Questions:
Style: Does the author's writing style make it easier or more difficult for younger readers to understand what's being discussed in the text?
Application: Would anybody be able to do anything to prevent the possible closing down of such a good program?

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